This brand-new four-week group mastermind is designed to support YOU as a leader because when you are anchored in what really matters, you are more confident, you make better decisions, and you inspire those around you to be part of your mission. When you are anchored, you can make an even greater impact on the lives of your team and the people you serve.

I know that for many of us, our work is a significant part of our vocation whether we are an entrepreneur, work in the home, are part of a ministry team, or are part of a company team. In this mastermind, we’ll explore three essential strategies I have cultivated as a business owner along with research-backed strategies to help you grow in self-awareness as a leader.

I created this mastermind because I saw a significant gap in support for leaders and entrepreneurs. There are countless resources out there designing to help you create the next best-selling product but if you aren’t taking care of your most important asset (aka, you), your business can’t thrive. This mastermind is designed to close that gap and meet this all important need.

The group mastermind includes:

  • Weekly reflections, exercises, and worksheets related to the weekly theme

  • Weekly live 60-minute masterclass group call with Julia Hogan-Werner, LCPC to dive deep into the weekly theme

  • Small group community discussion based on the weekly theme

  • Bonus: Q&A Call

Enrollment for this mastermind will open on April 15, 2024. Keep your eye out for more details on this launch!

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